Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mice Knights, Spider Men, And VERY Short comics

Its long but funny.
Yesterday I picked up a comic from my box one I'd swore I'd never read again and two hardbound compilations. It goes like this:
  1. The Mighty Avengers 9
  2. Spider-man 544
  3. Wolverine collection Vol.1
  4. And
Out of all the comics I've gotten this month, Mouse Guard: Fall 1152 is the most enjoyable. Llet talk about why the others (besides wolvie, which belongs to Chas).
Mighty Avengers 9
I was alway cold to this series for three:1}The staring cast are Proregger, ( Pro-Superhuman Registration Act , th law that makes all super human, hero or villain, register with the government and make their Identity public, or go to jail in another dimension.) 2} it really talkie, even for Bendis. 3} too many push backs ( its been out a year, only 9 issues have come out).
But I thought I'd give another shot because its bendis, the man who got me in to comics. And out of 16 pages, only 5 of them were story. The rest were shit blowing up. I'm paying 3 dollar for 16 pages, the lest they could do is give me a descent story til next mouth.
Spider-man wasn't that bad, thought. They just ERASED 20 YEARS OF HISTORY!!! Yea. Its bad enough that they erased the Peters and MJ's marriage because 'Marriage ages superheros', they erase EVERYTHING. So yea, any continuity with the major MU is shot to shit and Spider-man is officially dead to me.
Now the good stuff. GO BUY MOUSE GUARD RIGHT NOW !! Its a high Fantasy story about mice. Not only is it eye-bleedingly cute, the story is super awesome. Its 25 buck well spend my friends.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Right now. Fucked up things are going happening. Nothing I feel comfortable with posting. Call me.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Captain America ( Fuck Yeah)

Ahh, Yes... Anyway. 2nd post, Yes. Life has been life since my last blog. There alot I nee to write about, but not tonight. My brain is mosh. But tomorrow I'll do and real blog. Also Rae's band(?) is playing Rockettown in march, go see them.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

THe First Post: Comics, Valentines, And INDIAN JONES!!

I guess it kinda fit that my first post is about the New Indian Jones movie, seeing has my pic is of Indie, who gets if name from the strapping archaeologist-slash-Teacher.
I have to say though, that this is a May release seems a bit soon, seeing has Filming started in, what, August? But I guess it doesn't take has much time to make a movie if you don't have those Micheal Mann-iton special F/X. Plus you have actor the likes Ford, Blanchett, Allen, Hurt and LeBeof, you might not need more then six mouths.
Anyhow, lets get started. I could introduce myself.But most of you that are reading this know my or you wouldn't be reading this.So lets just start with updates.
Chas and I are getting married, Woot. Strange how that all work out considering of thing where a year ago. Nothing set yet and thing still need work relationship wise, but nothing that can't be worked out. Some of you are apposed to us getting married, and I get that. I'd ask you guys to try and be happy for us.
I BACK in to Comics!!!! Did that deserve 4 !? Yes. Why? Simply because right now is the best time to get in, or in my case, re-get in to comics. X-men just finished a massive overhaul of the multiple title. New Captain America has suited up ('s Bucky), Fantastic Four is getting 'revamped' and the Secret Invasion is coming. But not only is good shit happening at Marvel, But DC is at a great entry point has well, with Final Crisis coming. The past two month have been a dry spell for me and comic with moving and massive bills. But now that taxes returns are on their way ( hopefully), I can start again. I even have a pull box now. Here what I've got in:
  1. New Avengers
  2. Mighty Avengers
  3. Captain America
  4. Daredevil
  5. Thor
  6. Uncanny X-men
  7. Wolverine
  8. X-force ( Get this Chi)
  9. Fantastic Four
  10. Batman
  11. Green Lantern
  12. Green Lantern Corps.
Those who or care about Comic well notice that my List is mostly Marvel stuff. That because I know Marvel, and no matter how much the piss me off ( WHY SPIDER-MAN!?!?! WHY!?!?) I care more about the character there then I do DC. The expection is Batman and the Green Lantern ( Thanx Benny!)
In real life, Life is both easier and harder then it has been in the last few months. Chas and I FINALLY got our own place, which in stress levels ( i.e. No Olivia {Hallelujah}) and cuts down on time that the kids spend the the car. But now we have real bills. And shit is getting crazy with Jason, Chas' Ex and Jaden's daddy. He won't let Jaden stay the night over because I live here, which is some Super Saiyan 3 bull shit. But has it goes its in the custody agreement. So every morning at anywhere from 9 to 11 am, we get him and at 9 every evening, we take him back. Expect on days Jason has off.We don't see him at all those days. It the biggest pain now, but maybe has time passes, Jason well become easier to dealt with.